Vision Without Glasses

September 15, 2011

The Best Way To Relax Your Eyes And Relieve The Stress Causing Myopia!

You must stimulate and strengthen the ciliary muscle and improve its flexibility. Natural vision training is the best way to make that happen.

Exercising your eyes is the only way to improve eye sight.

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Think of exercising and strengthening your eyes the same way you would strengthen your legs, chest or arm muscles. By exercising your body you improve muscle tone, agility, range of motion and flexibility. The same thing applies to your eyes.

Having clearer vision without corrective lenses is possible... if... and only if... you exercise your eyes on a consistent basis.

All the other “solutions” (like glasses, contacts and surgery) act  like band aids. They don’t help improve vision. Think of them more as a “crutch”. They may help you see better in the short
term but they won’t allow your eye sight to improve.

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In fact, odds are your prescription will increase over time. You will need stronger corrective lenses because your eyes keep getting weaker. Which is proof that...

The Leading Causes Of Nearsightedness And Its Progression!

I find this amazing, considering many doctors will still tell you that nearsightedness is solely a genetic condition. It just doesn't add up.

How have thousands of people improved their vision naturally if bad vision is a genetic problem? Why is near-point stress defined as a leading cause of nearsightedness if
nearsightedness is a genetic condition?

The fact is, the data is in, and times and beliefs are changing. There are many eye doctors who now support eye exercises and their role in natural vision improvement.

Regardless of how you became nearsighted you can improve visual clarity. The first thing you must do is learn to relax your entire visual system. The "warm washcloth" technique (discussed
in esson 4) is...

What Are The Key To Improve Nearsightedness

Nearsightedness or myopia is an error in how the eye focuses light. Due to this refractive error, people suffering from myopia,  see nearby objects clearly while not being able to focus clearly
on distant objects.

Many factors contribute to this condition. One of the most
common is continued near-point stress activity such as reading. 

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Studies show a correlation between the development of myopia and school-age children. It seems that prolonged close vision activity such as reading...

Triggers Nearsightedness!

Close vision stress causes the muscles of the visual system to remain in a state of constant contraction. Once in this state, the muscles don’t relax enough to focus on objects at a distance. Over time, the eye adapts to the stress by elongating the eyeball. The eyeball remains in this semi-permanent state until it relaxes sufficiently.

There was a controlled study conducted on a group of Inuit families in Barrow, Alaska, years ago by a very respected group of eye doctors. It evaluated the relationship between genetics and the environment in bad vision.

It was an ideal setting in that the parents and grandparents had little or no formal education, while the children regularly attended
public school. The study results showed that... 

The Uneducated Parents And Grandparents Had Little Or No Form Of Nearsightedness!

Almost 58% of the children attending school were diagnosed as myopic.

A genetic malfunction increase of 58% over one generation would be impossible.

The researchers came to the conclusion that the stress put upon the eyes while performing continuous near-point work in the classroom was causing myopia among the children.
--Young et al. 1969. American Journal of Optometry and Archives of American Academy of Optometry

So what causes nearsightedness if it's not genetic? Science has also answered this question.

It's a condition called near-point stress. Near-point stress is what your eyes experience when you focus on anything close to you: computers, books, television, etc.

Focusing up close is not natural to your eyes. Your eyes are in a relaxed state when they are looking at a distance and focusing up close puts a stress on them.

The American Optometric Association identifies "near-point stress" as being...

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September 7, 2011

The Computer Vision Syndrome and The Solution How To Relieve Eye Strain

Today you'll learn a simple 10-second technique that relieves eye strain and stress almost immediately. This  technique is especially useful if you do a lot of close vision work on the computer or reading, and by the simple fact you’re reading this now, that's probably you! 

Christine Sindt, O.D. of the University of Iowa estimates that Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) affects some 75% of all who work in front of a computer. Persons over the age of 40  are especially prone to CVS. The bottom line is...

Your Computer May Be Harming Your Eyes!

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a complex mix of eye and vision problems related to near work, and experienced during or after computer use. According to the American Optometric
Association, if you’ve experienced any of the following 14 symptoms, you’ve experienced CVS:

Tired eyes... Eye strain... Periods of blurred near vision...
Occasional blurred distance vision... Headaches... Dry eyes...
Slowness in changing the focus of your eyes... Burning eyes...
Contact lens discomfort... Changes in color perception...
Sensitivity to glare... Excessive tearing... Sore eyes... Red eyes.
The obvious way to prevent CVS is to stop using the computer,  but that is not always practical. So, here are 4 tips to help you monitor your eyes...

Set Up An Ergonomic Workstation

A poorly located computer screen causes awkward body positions. Dr. James Sheedy (“Dr. Ergo”) states on his website,  “Because the eyes lead the body, your body will assume
whatever position is required to enable your eyes to see comfortably. A poorly located computer screen causes awkward body positions.”

Your monitor, and for that matter, your phone, should be approximately 20-28 inches away, and 4-9 inches below your eyes. According to Dr. Ergo, your eyes work best with a slight downward gaze.

Eliminate Computer Screen Glare

Glare is the most common cause of eyestrain and fatigue. Modify the lighting in your work area to eliminate glare and harsh reflections. If your monitor is the cause, adjust the brightness and contrast, and if necessary, get an anti-glare filter hood for your screen.

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Adjust Your Computer Screen

Adjust the colors on your display. Black characters on a white background are the most comfortable, according to Dr. Ergo. Avoid dark backgrounds and strive for the highest contrast

between the characters on your screen and the background.

LCD screens do not flicker like cathode ray tube monitors (CRTs) do. CRTs also deteriorate gradually over time, which could be the catalyst for your CVS symptoms. If you currently have an older CRT, consider an upgrade. Prices on LCD monitors have dropped drastically in recent years.

Practice The “10-10-10” Rule

Whenever you perform close vision work (which is what creates near-point eye strain) for over 10 consecutive minutes, look up and focus on anything at least 10 feet away for at least 10 seconds.

Do this regardless of whether the close vision work you do is at a computer or reading paperwork. This simple technique will immediately relieve your eyes from the stress caused by close vision work. It can help save your vision and allow you to see more clearly for years to come.

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September 6, 2011

How To Keep Your Eyes Healthy For Life

Today I'm going to share with you a handful of simple "common  sense" things you can do to maintain healthy eyes for the rest of  your life.

You'll want to read this lesson over right now. Because if you  neglect doing these things you could be causing yourself unnecessary vision problems.

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What you read may seem like “commonsense”. The problem is  few people implement these practices from day to day. On the  other hand, by following the simple advice below you can  preserve and improve your vision naturally.

Here they are...

Use Ample Light When Reading

Your eyes function better while doing close vision work when  plenty of light is available. As we get older our eye sight diminishes. (In lesson 9, I'll show you how to fight the effects of  presbyopia, or "aging vision.) Poor lighting causes a tremendous  amount of strain on your eyes. Remember, over-stressed and  weak eye muscles are a major contributing factor to poor vision.
Keep your reading area well lit at all times.

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Stop Smoking And Don’t Start In The First Place

Not only does smoking cause upper respiratory, circulation and other health problems... but...smoking is a risk factor for many  eye conditions. Cataracts, glaucoma, Graves’ ophthalmopathy, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration all are aggravated by smoking.

Do the best you can to cut down or stop smoking altogether. If you haven’t started, then don’t. You’ll get a lot more mileage out  of your eyes by not smoking to begin with.

Drink Plenty Of Water And Stay Hydrated

Dehydration wreaks havoc on your visual system. Really. Because water is vital to life. No one can survive but a few  days without water.

Irritated, red itchy eyes and decreased visual acuity are linked  to dehydration. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep  your eyes lubricated. The recommended amount is eight to ten glasses. 

Cut Down On The Caffeine As Much As Possible

Do you like to slurp down one or more grande latte's in the  morning? Do you drink soda like it’s going out of style? Do  you find yourself itching for the next “fix” of anything caffeine laden and just can’t get enough?

Know this: While there’s nothing wrong with a little caffeine up  to a point, it could cause vision problems. You see, even one  cup of coffee can elevate intraocular eye pressure up to 3mm hg, and caffeine can contribute to dry, scratchy eyes.  Enjoy it, just don’t go overboard with it.

Chill Out And Enjoy Life More

Are you a high-strung, type-A personality? Well, you might  want to consider “chilling out” a bit. Because there’s scientific  evidence that stressing out can increase eye pressure by  three times normal levels.

By taking it easy, you will keep eye pressure closer to normal  levels. That alone will keep your eyes healthier for the long haul.

All of these common sense tips can help to improve and reserve your vision for years to come.

Immediate Relief For Tired Eyes to Improve Vision

This lesson reveals a simple secret to vision improvement and the prevention of vision loss.

Do this throughout the day and you'll see more clearly. Tired,  sore eyes become more focused. Tension and eye strain  disappear. Vision improvement and the prevention of vision loss depends  on two things...

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First, you must strengthen the entire visual system. This includes the muscle structure and focusing ability of the eyes.

Second, you must relieve the muscular stresses that cause poor  vision to begin with. Our eyes are under constant stress. Close  vision work – like using a computer and reading – is a fact of  modern day life.

You can’t eliminate these stresses altogether. But you can  provide your eyes with immediate relief... and thus... 


Help Preserve Clear And Focused Vision!

Here’s a quick and fun way to reinvigorate tired, sore eyes...

What I’m about to describe is a technique taken right out of the  Rebuild Your Vision Program. It’s called the “warm washcloth  technique”. Do this whenever your eyes feel worn out and

The way it works is you run a wash cloth under warm water for  about 30 seconds. Make sure the cloth gets soaked with  very warm water. Then ring it out completely.

Fold it twice so it’s about 2 to 4 inches wide. Lie down with your  eyes closed in a quiet room and place the warm washcloth over  your eyes. With your eyes closed, pretend you’re focusing out into  space. Remain in this relaxing position for at least 5 minutes. Warm the washcloth as needed. It will create complete  darkness and...

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Aid In Relaxing The Muscles Of Your Eyes.

Now let me share with you an advanced technique...

While performing the warm washcloth technique, alternate  the warm washcloth with a cold washcloth. For example, use  the warm washcloth for 3-4 minutes. Then apply the cold  washcloth. Go back to the warm and so on.

This simple technique gets the blood flowing to your eyes. It  eases away the stress in the muscles around the eyes. You’ll  feel the tension melt way like butter in a microwave.

Best Of All It's Very Enjoyable!

I explain another fantastic relaxation exercise for your eyes...  and... how to strengthen your visual system the natural way in  my Rebuild Your Vision Program.

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September 2, 2011

Is Coffee or Fish Better for Your Eyes?

Drinking Coffee Can Protect Your Eyes
If you love your java like we do here at Rebuild Your Vision HQ in Seattle (home of Starbucks, after all), you’ll be happy to know that a recent study in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry found that java drinkers (1 to 2 cups per day) were less likely to develop primary late onset blepharospasm. This condition is marked by involuntary eye spasms that cause people to blink uncontrollably, effectively leaving them functionally “blind.”
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The Italian study asked patients in five hospitals how much coffee they drank in a day(and also how many cigarettes they smoked; previous studies had suggested a protective link between smoking and blepharospasm).
The study’s findings “raise doubt about the association of smoking and blepharospasm, but strongly suggest coffee as a protective factor.” So enjoy that espresso with eyes wide open!

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Fish: Not Just Brain Food Anymore
If you’ve been reading your Rebuild Your Vision newsletters, you know that age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is no joke. This common condition occurs, according toMedical News Today, “when the macula, the area at the back of the retina that produces the sharpest vision, deteriorates over time.” AMD is the most common cause of blindness for folks over 40, affecting more than 7 million.
Recent research has shown that another powerful vision protector is as close as your local supermarket. According to two reports in the May issue of Archives of Ophthalmology, people who have high dietary intake of foods with omega-3 fatty acids and who also consume high quantities of fish have a “reduced risk of advanced age-related macular degeneration.”

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What does that mean for your menu? The Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group found that “eating more than two medium (4-ounce) servings of fish per week or more than one medium serving of broiled or baked fish was associated with the lowest risk for advanced AMD.” Omega-3 fatty acids are available as supplements and also are found in oily fish such as wild salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies, and sardines.

September 1, 2011

EyeVisionSufferer, 11 Vision Boosting Super Nutrients

Today you'll learn about 11 nutrients that researchers agree are
critical to optimum vision health.

If you're missing any of these nutrients you might be harming
your vision. So make sure you read this lesson and add these
nutrients to your diet.

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Proper nutrition is often an overlooked element in maintaining
good vision. Research has shown nutrition plays a vital role not
only in general health, but, in vision health as well. You simply
can’t ignore the fact that what you eat (or don’t eat) has a
significant impact on how well you see.

If you want to improve your vision health – regardless of how old
or young you are – then including the following vision-boosting
super nutrients in your diet is crucial.

Essential Nutrient #1: Alpha-Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), has been called the "universal," "ideal,"
and "ultimate" antioxidant. It is a powerful weapon in the fight
against oxidative stress which helps cause various eye
problems like macular degeneration and cataracts. ALA
strengthens the cells in the eyes. Good sources of ALA include
red wine, blueberries and even red meat.

Essential Nutrients #2 & #3: Bilberry and Bioflavonoids

Bilberry is thought to improve night vision. A close relative of the
cranberry, bilberry is high in a certain type of bioflavonoid that
speeds the regeneration of rhodopsin, the purple pigment used
by the eyes' rods. British Air Force pilots in World War II ate
bilberry jam to improve their night vision during evening sorties.

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Essential Nutrient #4: Chromium

Numerous tissue testing and diet assessment studies indicate
that low levels of chromium are a major risk factor for increased
intraocular pressure. Chromium plays a large role in muscle
contraction which is why elevated eye pressure occurs when
deficiencies of chromium are present. The body does not make
chromium naturally, so it must be obtained through your diet. The
best sources of chromium are beef, liver, eggs, chicken, oysters,
wheat germ, green peppers, apples, bananas, and spinach.

Essential Nutrient #5: Copper Gluconate

Copper is an essential trace element that is required for the
proper formation of collagen, a component of the connective
tissues. It is found in various foods, including organ meats
(especially liver), seafood, beans, nuts, and whole grains.
Copper gluconate, a readily absorbable form of copper, is
one of the most important blood antioxidants, helping to
increase blood circulation throughout the body including the
eyes. Better circulation allows you to maintain clear vision as
you age.

Essential Nutrient #6: Eyebright

Eyebright has been used for centuries to treat eye irritation.
The name is thought to have been given to the plant because
of its valuable properties as a medicine that preserved
eyesight. Eyebright is an antioxidant herb that also contains
tannins that are beneficial for reducing inflammation.

Essential Nutrient #7: Ginkgo Biloba

The ginkgo is the oldest living tree species, growing on earth
for 150-200 million years. No surprise, then, that it's one of the
most well-researched herbs in the world. Studies have confirmed
that ginkgo, a powerful antioxidant increases blood flow to the
retina... and... can slow retinal deterioration which results in an
increase of visual acuity.

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Essential Nutrient #8: Glutathione

Glutathione is an amino acid that protects the tissues surrounding
the lens of the eyes. Numerous studies link glutathione with the
prevention of cataracts, glaucoma, retinal disease, and diabetic
blindness. Foods that increase glutathione levels include sulfur
rich foods such as garlic, eggs, asparagus, and onions. Other
glutathione-rich foods include watermelon, asparagus, and

Essential Nutrient #9: Lutein (containing Zeaxanthin)

Lutein, found in our retinas, is essential for healthy vision.
Clinical research has determined that lutein along with zeaxanthin
is a naturally occurring carotenoid present in the macular
segment of the retina. It lowers the risk of cataracts and macular
degeneration. Lutein is found in the red, orange, and yellow
pigments of fruits and vegetables; for example, tomatoes,
carrots, and squash. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach
also contain high amounts of lutein.

Essential Nutrient #10: N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

NAC is an amino acid similar in structure to cysteine, a building
block of proteins. In our body, NAC helps stimulate the production
of antioxidants by replenishing the body's levels of glutathione.
NAC is thought to both stave off disease and play an important
role in boosting the immune system.

Essential Nutrient #11: Quercetin

Quercetin is a powerful natural antioxidant, antihistamine and
anti-inflammatory. This nutrient has been shown to help protect
against macular degeneration and to inhibit the development of
cataracts. Good sources of quercetin include blueberries,
blackberries and cherries among other foods.

And remember, the other important factor in improving your
vision health is to exercise your eyes.

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