Vision Without Glasses

September 6, 2011

Immediate Relief For Tired Eyes to Improve Vision

This lesson reveals a simple secret to vision improvement and the prevention of vision loss.

Do this throughout the day and you'll see more clearly. Tired,  sore eyes become more focused. Tension and eye strain  disappear. Vision improvement and the prevention of vision loss depends  on two things...

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First, you must strengthen the entire visual system. This includes the muscle structure and focusing ability of the eyes.

Second, you must relieve the muscular stresses that cause poor  vision to begin with. Our eyes are under constant stress. Close  vision work – like using a computer and reading – is a fact of  modern day life.

You can’t eliminate these stresses altogether. But you can  provide your eyes with immediate relief... and thus... 


Help Preserve Clear And Focused Vision!

Here’s a quick and fun way to reinvigorate tired, sore eyes...

What I’m about to describe is a technique taken right out of the  Rebuild Your Vision Program. It’s called the “warm washcloth  technique”. Do this whenever your eyes feel worn out and

The way it works is you run a wash cloth under warm water for  about 30 seconds. Make sure the cloth gets soaked with  very warm water. Then ring it out completely.

Fold it twice so it’s about 2 to 4 inches wide. Lie down with your  eyes closed in a quiet room and place the warm washcloth over  your eyes. With your eyes closed, pretend you’re focusing out into  space. Remain in this relaxing position for at least 5 minutes. Warm the washcloth as needed. It will create complete  darkness and...

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Aid In Relaxing The Muscles Of Your Eyes.

Now let me share with you an advanced technique...

While performing the warm washcloth technique, alternate  the warm washcloth with a cold washcloth. For example, use  the warm washcloth for 3-4 minutes. Then apply the cold  washcloth. Go back to the warm and so on.

This simple technique gets the blood flowing to your eyes. It  eases away the stress in the muscles around the eyes. You’ll  feel the tension melt way like butter in a microwave.

Best Of All It's Very Enjoyable!

I explain another fantastic relaxation exercise for your eyes...  and... how to strengthen your visual system the natural way in  my Rebuild Your Vision Program.

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