Vision Without Glasses

September 6, 2011

How To Keep Your Eyes Healthy For Life

Today I'm going to share with you a handful of simple "common  sense" things you can do to maintain healthy eyes for the rest of  your life.

You'll want to read this lesson over right now. Because if you  neglect doing these things you could be causing yourself unnecessary vision problems.

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What you read may seem like “commonsense”. The problem is  few people implement these practices from day to day. On the  other hand, by following the simple advice below you can  preserve and improve your vision naturally.

Here they are...

Use Ample Light When Reading

Your eyes function better while doing close vision work when  plenty of light is available. As we get older our eye sight diminishes. (In lesson 9, I'll show you how to fight the effects of  presbyopia, or "aging vision.) Poor lighting causes a tremendous  amount of strain on your eyes. Remember, over-stressed and  weak eye muscles are a major contributing factor to poor vision.
Keep your reading area well lit at all times.

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Stop Smoking And Don’t Start In The First Place

Not only does smoking cause upper respiratory, circulation and other health problems... but...smoking is a risk factor for many  eye conditions. Cataracts, glaucoma, Graves’ ophthalmopathy, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration all are aggravated by smoking.

Do the best you can to cut down or stop smoking altogether. If you haven’t started, then don’t. You’ll get a lot more mileage out  of your eyes by not smoking to begin with.

Drink Plenty Of Water And Stay Hydrated

Dehydration wreaks havoc on your visual system. Really. Because water is vital to life. No one can survive but a few  days without water.

Irritated, red itchy eyes and decreased visual acuity are linked  to dehydration. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep  your eyes lubricated. The recommended amount is eight to ten glasses. 

Cut Down On The Caffeine As Much As Possible

Do you like to slurp down one or more grande latte's in the  morning? Do you drink soda like it’s going out of style? Do  you find yourself itching for the next “fix” of anything caffeine laden and just can’t get enough?

Know this: While there’s nothing wrong with a little caffeine up  to a point, it could cause vision problems. You see, even one  cup of coffee can elevate intraocular eye pressure up to 3mm hg, and caffeine can contribute to dry, scratchy eyes.  Enjoy it, just don’t go overboard with it.

Chill Out And Enjoy Life More

Are you a high-strung, type-A personality? Well, you might  want to consider “chilling out” a bit. Because there’s scientific  evidence that stressing out can increase eye pressure by  three times normal levels.

By taking it easy, you will keep eye pressure closer to normal  levels. That alone will keep your eyes healthier for the long haul.

All of these common sense tips can help to improve and reserve your vision for years to come.