Nearsightedness or myopia is an error in how the eye focuses light. Due to this refractive error, people suffering from myopia, see nearby objects clearly while not being able to focus clearly
on distant objects.
Many factors contribute to this condition. One of the most common is continued near-point stress activity such as reading.
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Studies show a correlation between the development of myopia and school-age children. It seems that prolonged close vision activity such as reading...
Triggers Nearsightedness!
Close vision stress causes the muscles of the visual system to remain in a state of constant contraction. Once in this state, the muscles don’t relax enough to focus on objects at a distance. Over time, the eye adapts to the stress by elongating the eyeball. The eyeball remains in this semi-permanent state until it relaxes sufficiently.
There was a controlled study conducted on a group of Inuit families in Barrow, Alaska, years ago by a very respected group of eye doctors. It evaluated the relationship between genetics and the environment in bad vision.
It was an ideal setting in that the parents and grandparents had little or no formal education, while the children regularly attended public school. The study results showed that...
The Uneducated Parents And Grandparents Had Little Or No Form Of Nearsightedness!
Almost 58% of the children attending school were diagnosed as myopic.
A genetic malfunction increase of 58% over one generation would be impossible.
The researchers came to the conclusion that the stress put upon the eyes while performing continuous near-point work in the classroom was causing myopia among the children.
--Young et al. 1969. American Journal of Optometry and Archives of American Academy of Optometry
So what causes nearsightedness if it's not genetic? Science has also answered this question.
It's a condition called near-point stress. Near-point stress is what your eyes experience when you focus on anything close to you: computers, books, television, etc.
Focusing up close is not natural to your eyes. Your eyes are in a relaxed state when they are looking at a distance and focusing up close puts a stress on them.
The American Optometric Association identifies "near-point stress" as being...
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