Vision Without Glasses

August 30, 2011

EyeVisionSufferer, Try This Eye Exercise For Better Vision

Ways To Improve Your Vision Naturally

Here's one of the eight easy eye exercises that make up the Rebuild Your Vision Program. This eye exercise works for both nearsighted and farsighted people.

It initially takes some time to master each of the 3 levels, but as you progress through the Rebuild Your Vision Program you'll find they become much easier as your eyes strengthen.

If you haven't already, you'll find the instructions for Level 1 of the Three Cups Eye Exercise on our website at:

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You'll need to master Level 1 before beginning Level 2.

In order to perform Level 2 you'll need to print this diagram:

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You'll also need a comfortable chair and a quiet room.

Ready to continue rebuilding your vision? Here we go!

1. Place your chair so that you can focus on an object at least 10 feet away. The object can be in the same room or outside a window -- just choose a distant object.

2. Hold the Three Cups chart approximately 12 to 24 inches in front of you at eye level.

3. Position the chart so that, as you look just over the top of it, you can see the distant object you have chosen. Focus on that object.

4. You should notice in your lower peripheral vision that there appear to be three circles on the chart. (Your eyes will feel much more relaxed than they felt while focusing on the pen in Level 1.)

5. Try to adjust your focus on the center circle, as though you were trying to look through the laminated chart at the distant object.

In other words, maintain your point of focus on the distant object but look at the center circle. This is the only way you'll be able to obtain and hold the image of the center circle. If you lose the image of the circle, look at the distant object and it should reappear.

6. While you focus on the center circle, maintaining your point of focus on the distant object, you will notice that the circle appears three-dimensional. It will look as if you were peering down into a Styrofoam cup -- only this time, the Styrofoam cup will appear upside-down, as if it were overturned.

Note: Level 1 and 2 may appear very similar, but they are not. In order to achieve success in Level 2, you must be focused and relaxed. You cannot force your eyes to perform this drill. You must follow the directions exactly, and let the images appear on their own.

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The reason people report such great results using the Rebuild Your Vision Program is because it integrates all eight eye exercises into a complete system for natural vision improvement.

3 Unconventional Ways To Improve Your Vision

Here are the 3 Unconventional Ways to Improve Your Vision that you may not have heard of and it may surprise you.

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1. Listening to Mozart Music

Have you already know that classical music can improve your academic or work performance.? Yes it is and can also been claimed that children exposed to classical music in the womb develop better than children who were not exposed. But can listening to Mozart also did improve your vision?

A Brazilian study suggests that the answer may be yes. Researchers tested medical students by playing them a recording of Mozart for ten minutes before the students took a visual test. The results showed that these students performed better than their counterparts who did not listen to music.

In another study, researchers divided sixty participants into two groups. The groups then took a test that helps identify whether someone suffers from peripheral vision abnormalities or blind spots. The first group listened to Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos for ten minutes before the test; the second group sat quietly.

If you guessed that the Mozart – listening group scored better, you are correct!

Conclusive these tests are not—it is unclear whether the results related to Mozart’s music directly or just the fact that researchers stimulated the senses of participants (we wonder: Would listening to, say, heavy metal or rap have the same effect?).

But the tests are intriguing and suggest that there is more to visual acuity than, ahem, meets the eye.

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2. Playing Video Games

Next time you tell your kids (or your husband) to stop playing video games and get outside for some fresh air, you might think twice. In a widely publicized study, researchers at the University of Rochester have shown that people who played action video games for a few hours each day over the course of a month improved their visual acuity by about 20 percent. The test measured the ability to identify letters within a crowd of other distracting symbols — similar to a standard eye chart.

“When people play action games, they’re changing the brain’s pathway responsible for visual processing,” says Daphne Bavelier, one of the UR researchers and a professor of brain and cognitive sciences. “These games push the human visual system to the limits and the brain adapts to it. That learning carries over into other activities and possibly everyday life.”

So the next time your kid asks for a Sony PlayStation, just think of it as Little League without the carpooling — another form of exercise, just like your Rebuild Your Vision Program.

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3. Belly Up to the Oxygen Bar

Though diabetics must control their sugar intake, a pilot study by scientists at Johns Hopkins and the National Eye Institute suggests that they can consume all the oxygen they want. According to the Johns Hopkins Medicine Web site, “Oxygen delivered through the nose may improve poor vision caused by diabetic macular edema, (which is) fluid buildup in the part of the eye responsible for central vision.”

Diabetic macular edema affects up to 10 percent of all patients with diabetes. It results when high blood sugar causes damage in normal retinal blood vessels and a decrease in the supply of oxygen and nutrients.

Researchers studied five diabetic patients who had macular edema. They had the patients breathe supplemental oxygen for three months. “The results were really dramatic,” says Peter A. Campochiaro, M.D., senior author of the study. The oxygen reduced buildup of fluids and swelling in the macula. Some patients even showed improved visual acuity, with the ability to see two lines higher on a standard eye chart.

Who knows what the next medical frontier might be? In the future, maybe glasses, like the dinosaurs, will become extinct.

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August 28, 2011

3 Essential Tips to Sharper Eyesight Without Corrective Lenses

Essential Tip #1...

Try not to wear your glasses all the time. Throughout the day,
think of your glasses as a tool and use them only when you
need them. Put a piece of masking tape with a reminder on
the base of your computer screen. Write a reminder on your
bookmark. Be conscious of their use.

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*Be sure to always keep safety in mind. Never perform an
activity that could be dangerous to yourself or others without
your glasses or contacts.

Essential Tip #2...

If you can't see the computer screen without glasses, enlarge
the font on your internet browser. To do this, hold the CTRL
key down while scrolling your mouse wheel (the small wheel
on top of the mouse that scrolls the page up and down) away
from you.

Each scroll forward will increase the page and font size by one.
To reduce the font size simply continue to hold the CTRL key
and scroll the opposite direction (towards you).

Essential Tip #3...

If you love to read, try to get books from the library with larger
print. This may allow you to read them without your glasses or

These small steps will go a long way toward preserving your
vision for years to come.

So remember, the first step to sharpening your eyesight is not
relying on corrective lenses. Use glasses and contacts as you
need them. Enlarge the fonts on your computer screen and
take off your glasses while doing computer work. And if you
read a lot of books, either buy or rent books from the library
with larger print.

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These tips are an easy yet effective way to helping you improve
your vision naturally...

Is Your Precious Eyesight Worth The Risk?

Of course not. And think about it...

Have you ever gone in for an eye exam and heard the doctor say, "Great news! Your vision's improved another 2.0 diopters. Those glasses are really helping!"

I didn't think so! Glasses are a "prescription," and, like a prescription drug, they can be abused. So what can you do?

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Pay close attention...

You need to learn how to use your glasses so they don't contribute to further vision loss. Here's how...

Let's say, for example, you're nearsighted (unable to see distant objects clearly) and you're reading this e-mail with your glasses on. Do you really need them, or did you just forget about them being on your face?

That's right: just by wearing your glasses you could be doubling the effects of near-point stress.

The American Optometric Association hails near-point stress as one of the major causes of nearsightedness and its further progression. By wearing your glasses you could be doubling
the effects near-point stress. Ouch!

Corrective Lenses May Be Harming Your Vision!

Studies performed by two respected eye doctors support these facts. Here's what they say about the use of corrective lenses:

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*Dr. M. H. Birnbaum states in the Review of Optometry, "Single vision minus lenses for full-time use produce accommodative insufficiency associated with additional symptoms until the patient gets used to the lens. This is usually accompanied by a further increase in myopia (nearsightedness) and the cycle begins anew."

*Dr. Samuel Druker writes in the Optical Journal Review, "From a clinical point of view, the conclusion would seem inescapable that minus lenses are an important factor among the causes of progressive myopia (nearsightedness)."

In other words, glasses and contacts can weaken your vision

10 Easy Ways To Improve Your Vision Naturally.

Over the next few days, you will learn some simple but very powerful techniques to help you see better naturally.

The first lesson reveals a simple way to "rehab" your eyes by not using glasses as a crutch. This is one of the most effective
things you can do if better vision is important to you.

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And here's the shocking fact anyone wearing glasses or contacts should know...

The continued use of corrective lenses can actually contribute to the deterioration of your vision. Because corrective lenses act as a crutch your eyes begin to rely upon.

As a result, strengthening your eyes is next to impossible if you constantly support them by external means (i.e., glasses or contacts). Research shows glasses and contacts can actually *worsen* your vision.

I bet you didn’t know these facts... and... I bet your doctor never mentioned the possibility. Mainstream medicine does not want you to know...

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