Vision Without Glasses

August 28, 2011

Is Your Precious Eyesight Worth The Risk?

Of course not. And think about it...

Have you ever gone in for an eye exam and heard the doctor say, "Great news! Your vision's improved another 2.0 diopters. Those glasses are really helping!"

I didn't think so! Glasses are a "prescription," and, like a prescription drug, they can be abused. So what can you do?

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Pay close attention...

You need to learn how to use your glasses so they don't contribute to further vision loss. Here's how...

Let's say, for example, you're nearsighted (unable to see distant objects clearly) and you're reading this e-mail with your glasses on. Do you really need them, or did you just forget about them being on your face?

That's right: just by wearing your glasses you could be doubling the effects of near-point stress.

The American Optometric Association hails near-point stress as one of the major causes of nearsightedness and its further progression. By wearing your glasses you could be doubling
the effects near-point stress. Ouch!