Here's one of the eight easy eye exercises that make up the Rebuild Your Vision Program. This eye exercise works for both nearsighted and farsighted people.
It initially takes some time to master each of the 3 levels, but as you progress through the Rebuild Your Vision Program you'll find they become much easier as your eyes strengthen.
If you haven't already, you'll find the instructions for Level 1 of the Three Cups Eye Exercise on our website at:
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You'll need to master Level 1 before beginning Level 2.
In order to perform Level 2 you'll need to print this diagram:
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You'll also need a comfortable chair and a quiet room.
Ready to continue rebuilding your vision? Here we go!
1. Place your chair so that you can focus on an object at least 10 feet away. The object can be in the same room or outside a window -- just choose a distant object.
2. Hold the Three Cups chart approximately 12 to 24 inches in front of you at eye level.
3. Position the chart so that, as you look just over the top of it, you can see the distant object you have chosen. Focus on that object.
4. You should notice in your lower peripheral vision that there appear to be three circles on the chart. (Your eyes will feel much more relaxed than they felt while focusing on the pen in Level 1.)
5. Try to adjust your focus on the center circle, as though you were trying to look through the laminated chart at the distant object.
In other words, maintain your point of focus on the distant object but look at the center circle. This is the only way you'll be able to obtain and hold the image of the center circle. If you lose the image of the circle, look at the distant object and it should reappear.
6. While you focus on the center circle, maintaining your point of focus on the distant object, you will notice that the circle appears three-dimensional. It will look as if you were peering down into a Styrofoam cup -- only this time, the Styrofoam cup will appear upside-down, as if it were overturned.
Note: Level 1 and 2 may appear very similar, but they are not. In order to achieve success in Level 2, you must be focused and relaxed. You cannot force your eyes to perform this drill. You must follow the directions exactly, and let the images appear on their own.
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The reason people report such great results using the Rebuild Your Vision Program is because it integrates all eight eye exercises into a complete system for natural vision improvement.